This is an old revision of the document!

Mutt textonly mailclient


 ~A              all messages
 ~b EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the message body
 ~B EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the whole message
 ~c USER         messages carbon-copied to USER
 ~C EXPR         message is either to: or cc: EXPR
 ~D              deleted messages
 ~d [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with ``date-sent'' in a Date range
 ~E              expired messages
 ~e EXPR         message which contains EXPR in the ``Sender'' field
 ~F              flagged messages
 ~f USER         messages originating from USER
 ~g              PGP signed messages
 ~G              PGP encrypted messages
 ~h EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the message header
 ~k              message contains PGP key material
 ~i ID           message which match ID in the ``Message-ID'' field
 ~L EXPR         message is either originated or received by EXPR
 ~l              message is addressed to a known mailing list
 ~m [MIN]-[MAX]  message in the range MIN to MAX *)
 ~n [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with a score in the range MIN to MAX *)
 ~N              new messages
 ~O              old messages
 ~p              message is addressed to you (consults $alternates)
 ~P              message is from you (consults $alternates)
 ~Q              messages which have been replied to
 ~R              read messages
 ~r [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with ``date-received'' in a Date range
 ~S              superseded messages
 ~s SUBJECT      messages having SUBJECT in the ``Subject'' field.
 ~T              tagged messages
 ~t USER         messages addressed to USER
 ~U              unread messages
 ~v              message is part of a collapsed thread.
 ~x EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the `References' field
 ~y EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the `X-Label' field
 ~z [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with a size in the range MIN to MAX *)
 ~=              duplicated messages (see $duplicate_threads)

 ! -- logical NOT operator
 | -- logical OR operator
 () -- logical grouping operator


# Color definitions
mono header      underline ^(From|Subject):
mono quoted      bold
mono status      bold
mono hdrdefault  bold
mono message     underline
mono error       underline
mono body        underline (http|ftp)://[_a-zA-Z0-9\./~\-]+

color hdrdefault black          white
color quoted     cyan           black
color signature  brightred      black
color indicator  brightyellow   blue
color error      brightred      black
color status     brightcyan     black
color tree       brightmagenta  black
color tilde      brightmagenta  black
color message    brightcyan     black
color normal     green          black
color attachment brightmagenta  black
color search     black          green
color header     brightyellow   black ^(From|Subject):
color body       brightgreen    black "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+"
color body       brightwhite    black [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+

# regular new messages
color index      white          black "~N !~T !~F !~p !~P"
#color index    cyan            default ~N

# regular old messages
color index      white          black   "~O !~T !~F !~p !~P"
#color index    brightcyan      default ~O

# regular tagged messages
color index      black          cyan    "~T !~F !~p !~P"
#color index    blue            default ~T

# regular flagged messages
color index      red            cyan    "~F !~p !~P"
#color index    brightblue      default ~F

# messages to me
color index     green           black   "~p !~N !~T !~F !~P"
color index     white           black   "~p ~N !~T !~F !~P"
color index     blue            black   "~p ~T !~F !~P"
color index     blue            black   "~p ~F !~P"
#color index    brightyellow    default ~p

# messages from me
color index      magenta        black   "~P !~N !~T !~F"
color index      brightyellow   red     "~P ~N !~T !~F"
color index      black          red     "~P ~T !~F"
color index      black          red     "~P ~F"
#color index    brightyellow    default ~P

# big messages
color index     cyan            black   "!~N ~z 102400-"
color index     brightcyan      black   "~T !~F !~p !~P ~z 102400-"
color index     cyan            red     "~N ~z 102400-"

# deleted messages
color index     red             green   "!~N !~O ~D"
color index     red             green   "~N ~D"
color index     red             green   "~O ~D"

# some helpfull
color index     yellow          black   "~Q !~T !~F" #replies
color index     magenta         black   "~k !~Q !~T !~F" #message contains PGP key material
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Last modified: le 2008/03/12 14:27